Just entering the kennel in Santa Brigida. Two beautiful puppies. This is NEFER, she is about 4 months and is a poodle-mix and she has a sweet little face but very small. She is precious despite her appearance and her hair dirty and tangled. Who knows where she has been surviving until now the poor thing.
Diese beiden niedlichen Welpen sind gerade im Tierheim Santa Brigida eingetroffen. Das ist NEFER, ein ungefähr 4 Monate alter Pudelmischling mit einem süßen Gesicht und recht klein. Sie ist trotz verschmutztem und verfilztem Fell eine Hübsche. Wer weiß unter welchen Umständen die Ärmste bisher überlebt hat.
And this other cute girl is TITI. She is about 2 months, has short legs, but she can be a mid-size dog. Her appearance is good, you can see that she has been with her mother until now, but in the dog-pound she is very frightened, alone and helpless.