WILLOW, wenn auch mit Sehproblemen, sein Frauchen führt ihn auf seinen Spaziergängen und verreist mit ihm in den Ferien.
WILLOW, although he has problems with seeing, his adopting mammy is guiding him with his walks and journey while they are on holiday
UMA, está hecha una gamberra, corriendo detras del gato (al que quiere mucho) y jugando todo el dia. UMA ist ein Lauser,hinter der Katze ( die er sehr mag) her rennend und den ganzen Tag spielen.
UMA, she is a real gangster, running behind the cat (who she lover very much) and playing all the day.
SELU, una monada a la que quieren mucho.
SELU. ein hübsches Mädchen das alle lieben.
SELU, pretty girl who they love very much.
PULI,total integriert in seine Familie.
PULI, now completely adapted by her family.
NUBE, very spoiled, because she is so small............
LEON, whit his perfect look from de hairdresser
FICO, now he behave very good in his home, she doesn`t do any pranks any more and goes along very well with the baby of the family.
DUBAY, lovely, playful, one more of the family.
RAY, tan mimoso que tan pronto ve una mano cerca se tunba para que le rasquen la barriguita.
RAY, so cuddly that when he sees a hand near to him he lies down to scratch his belly.
JACK, very lovely and good, although some times he has problems with his legs, but his adopting mammy is taking care of it very well.