Hoy tenia Mowi su dia! Rose-Marie vive ya hace 10 años en la isla y vino para adoptar un perro.Mas que ver a Mowi se lo llevo por un paseo y asi la decision fui facil!Despues de dar un baño a Mowi ya pudo irse con ella rumbo a su nueva casa! Ahi tambien tienen muchos niños para darle mimos y cuidados.
Mowi was adopted today by Rose-Marie, she is living here for already 10 years and came today for an adoption. The decision was made very quick after her first contact with Mowi. After her bath(Mowi) she took her with her. At home there are a lot of children waiting for her.Good luck MOWI!
Visita sopresa hoy de Tina desde Alemania. Ella lleva un albergue en Alemania y vino este vez con su madre para regarcar un poco las pilas!
Also we had a surpise visit from Tina from Germany. She runs a animalshelter there and she came this time with her mother for charging the batery !