Early in the morning came MONIKA, again here on holidays and with a money-box of ANAHI which she left in a bar at the shopping centre CITA. After counting the money there was 60.70 € in it! Very good! Each euro is a help for our animals!
Tutan tenia hoy su paso por la peluqueria , baño y cepillado para estar de lo mas guapa antes de su viaje. Buddy posando aqui y pensando; " Cuando es mi turno???? Yo tambien quiero una familia!
Tutan past by the hairdressers today, bath and brushing to be as pretty as possible before he goes to travel. Buddy posing here and thinking; "When will be my turn??? Me as well want to have a family!!"
Juani brought a cat, found beside the side-walk and really scared. She already stopped by the vets. because soon she is gone travel as well to her new family.
Tenemos todavia a un par de perritos tambien esperando una familia aqui Grisu de apenas 3 kilos , salvado de la perrera .......
We still have a few dogs who as well are waiting for a family, here we have Grisu only with 3 kilos of weight, rescued from the dog-pound.......
Micky who we took from the street, the poor one was following all the dogs who where walking on the street with their owners asking..... you take me as well?? And Happy, his companion in the cage, rescued from a live where he was tied up on a chain completely in the sun, cold in the night and no place to hide when it was raining.
Tambien toco baño y cepillado a JEM! El baño...vale..pero cepillar???? Es que no me gusta!!!
Y cuando ya terminada y seco busco refugio .Tambien ella viajara a su nueva familia.
Also it was the turn of JEM to get a bath and some brushing! The bath.... ok..... but brushing???? That I really don`t like!!!! Ones she finished and dry she found a place to hide. As well she will travel to her new family.
Y con tantos mimos para los pequeños, tambien hubo tiempo para los "grandes" ! Gracias a los voluntarios todos tuvieron su paseo de siempre, con baños,
And with all this pampering for the small ones, there was still time left for the "big ones"! Thanks to the volunteers they all became their walk as always, with bathing.
Tiempo para resfrescar la gargantas y mimos... muchos mimos!
Time to refresh and pampering...... lots of pampering!!!