En Mayo con 8 semanas de edad nos vino la cachorrita de Nanet con 3 partitas y solo pesaba 450 gramos.Nos vino muy pronto una adopción para ella desde Holanda. Despues el control por parte de Monique estuve reservada. Pero con tan poquito peso y tan joven no pudo viajar todavia. Dentro de una semana cumplira 5 meses y hoy por la tarde por fin salio para irse con su nueva familia
In the beginning of May we received Trippel, puppy from Nanet with only 3 legs and with 450 grams only. Very soon she was adopted by a family in Holland and after a control there it was only waiting for that she grew up a little and for having more weight.In a week she will be 5 moths old and today she finally could fly to holland.
Today the 29th of July we were on the airport for saying goodbye to Trippel. The couple Timmer were so nice to take her on their flight to her new family. Goodby Trippel, there is waiting a very happy family for you togeheter with their other dog and 2 children .