El Yorkshire terrier fui llevado por un conocido que lo quito a un sr. mayor.... el pobre estuve mal atendido y tiene demodex por todo su cuerpecito. Asi tenemos que dar medicacion por un mes...o mas.El estare en una casa de recogida desde donde se lo puede cuidar mejor. Es alredor de 1 año y muy cariñoso.
Today a lot of new entries, This Yorkshire Terrier was brought by someone we know. She took him away from an old man, who did not take care very well of him. He has demodex and needs to be trwated for at least one month. He is almost 1 year old and very sweet.
and we can not even leave our house without finding a dog alone on the streets.So happeneds today as well to David. The dog is male, still very young and did not see a brush in his live, although it is so easy for brushing them so now and than!
Pilar nos pidio ayuda, este muhacho ya lleva en bañaderos desde okt. el año pasado. Lo castraron... nacio mas o menos en marzo 2007.Ella lo saco desde Bañaderos y vamos a intentar de encontrar para el tambien una casa.
Pilar asked us for help, this boy is already as from okt. last year at bañaderos (perrera) He was castrated and was born around march 2007. She took him out of there and lets try to find for him a home as well.