En casa intentaremos de cepillarle para quitar toda la hierba seca, llegando a su culito.....vaya sorpresa....ahi tenia colgado un trozo de mie..... grande como una pelota de tenis y duro como una piedra. En la bañera y con agua tibia pudimos blandar la "cosa" y por debajo tenia el ano en carne viva! Pobrecito, tiene unos 10 meses y es muy cariñoso. Raro es porque parece que esta castrado o....que no bajaron los testículos.
This young dog was troughing out of a car on the highway, close to the supermarket in Sonneland.At his back was hanging like a tennisball so big a piece of shi....He could not even do his things.....With warm water we could take away and his whole back is completely irritated and red.He is still very young, about 10 months.He has no microchip, but his haircut is from maybe 1 month ago. We called him Snoopy.He must have been castrated.