Este pobrecito encontro el otro dia a Yolanda!Ella estuve en duda... que hace cuando uno encuentra un perro asi???? Pues el pobre no la perdi de vista y vino hacia ella. Cuando se acerco Yolanda casi lloro de verlo. Tenia todo el cuello con sangre, pus y apestando de la infeccion que tenia.Lo llevo a la clinica veterinaria donde lo dejo. Ahi lo hicieron una cura y el test de filarias(negativo).El dia siguiente lo llevo a casa... pero donde metes un perro asi cuando hay ya 10 en la casa y gatos?Bueno para todo hay una solucion. El es muy bueno y lo han llamdo Trufo.

Parece que ha cobrado bastante, el cuello como ves en las fotos como cortado.... la boca no puedo abrir mas que un pisco.... faltan hacer radiografias. La cara esta muy rigida, un ojo con infeccion, el rabo partido.... y seguro cuando ya se va a la facultad para una revision total encontraran algunos cosa mas....

This dog found Yolanda.... she did not knew what to do when she saw him on the street, but when he came closer and saw his neck completely infected and with blood she decided to bring him to the vet. There he stayed for one night and cleaned his wounds. His filarias test was negatif. But she will bring him next week to the university hospital for have hiom checked. You can see that in one eye there is an infection, the otherone is also a litlle strange, he can almost not use his neck and his mouth can not be opened very much. Also his tail was broken on several places..... And we are sure that they will find much more in the check-up.
Yolanda is having him now at her home were also lives 10 dogs more and some cats.
But at the back side of her house there is still a place left without animals where he can stay till he goes to the clinic.