Hoy encontramos cerca de la puerta de la guardería una corea...pero sin perro. Mientras los voluntarios fueron paseando los perros, ellos nos avisaron que en medio del camino hubo un perrito encima de una piedra y muy asustado.Fuimos y aquí esta la niña. Es muy joven, tenia mucho miedo...pero hablándola se dejo coger y esta muy agradecida.Lo hemos llamada NIKA .
Today we found a lead close to the door of the shelter, but without a dog. The volunteers went walking the dogs and came back with the news that close to us was sitting a small dog on a stone. we went there and we found this young little girl. She was a little afraid...but talking to her gently she let her pick up and was very happy that at least somebody took care of her.We called her NIKA.
El domingo recibimos una llamada sobre un perro....mojado de la lluvia...temblando de frió... y SIN MICRO CHIP. Hoy entro en la guarderia...es muy bueno, joven y se llama ahora MIKE.
Sunday we received a phonecall telling us about a dog, completely wett from the rain, shaving from the cold and without a microchip. Today he came to the shelter, he is lovely and still very young. From now on his name will be MIKE.
Y como pasaba la mañana, nos trajeron este Yorkshire Terrier. es una hembra , mayorcita ya...y ha tenido muchos camadas!!!!!! La piel esta bastante fea, poco pelos...pero muy buena. Lo encontraron cerca de Agualand.Ella también sin microchip.......Las uñas muy largas.... y no esta acostumbrada de hacer sus "necesidades" fuera en la calle.
And during the morning this small Yorkshire Terrier was brought. She was found close to the waterpark "agualand" and without microchip.She is not that young and we can see that she has been "used" for getting a lot of puppies! Her skin is not that nice...and only a few hairs, her nails very long and she ist not used to do her "things" outside. She is very sweet to other dogs and children.