Paparazzi de Anahi

Somos una protectora de animales ubicados en la isla de Gran Canaria que ayudamos cada año a cientos de gatos y perros que han sido abandonados. Lea nuestras historias e infórmate sobre nosotros.

Wir sind ein Tierschutzverein auf Gran Canaria und helfen jedes Jahr Hunderten von ausgesetzten und misshandelten Katzen und Hunden. Lerne uns kennen! Wir erzählen über unsere Arbeit,die Schicksale unserer Tiere und über unsere Urlaubsinsel Gran Canaria!


Noticias de Roy

Ustedes se acuerdan de ROY? Aqui una carta y fotos de el!

"Se I'm in germany! And the weather is soo bad! I send you some pictures from my new home. There I am living and it's very nice. Before, I lived in a foster home, but my new people visited me there 4 days after my journey to germany and rehomed me 5 weeks later .The other dogs
around me are nice and my family is proud of me, because I'm a smart dog... And now I'm 52 cm large - without head!Thanks for your care!Sorry for my "Mum's" bad english but she can't speak spanish!
I waggle with my tail and say "bye"Roy (and his new family)
PS: My pictures on your homepage are beautiful, said "Mum"! "