Se ha perdido este perrito Yorkshire de 5 años en la zona de Tauro el lunes.
Su dueña Chrisy lo está buscando desesperada
Cualquier información llamen por favor al 664894848
Since monday this Yorkshire Terrier from 5 years old got lost in the area of Tauro.
His owner Crisy is desperately looking for him.
If you have any information please call to 664894848
Since monday this Yorkshire Terrier from 5 years old got lost in the area of Tauro.
His owner Crisy is desperately looking for him.
If you have any information please call to 664894848
Seid Montag wird der Yorki Rüde 5 Jahre in/bei Tauro vermisst. Seine Besitzerin Chrisy sucht ihn verzweifelt. und ist für jede Information dankbar. Tel. 664894848