Y este es MINA, encontrada por Yaiza, la hermana de Loly. Como tantas sin Microchip. Ya lleva dos semanas en la casa y está vacunada. El test de filarias salió negativo. Cuando Mina entro tenía la piel y las orejas fatal.... llena de pulgas y mordidas por parásitos por todo el cuerpo. Según el veterinario tiene unos 2 añitos. Es muy cariñosa, también con niños y si la dejas está encima de su mama de acogida todo el día. También para Mina buscamos un nuevo hogar!
And this is MINA, founded by Yaiza, Loly´s sister. As many without chip. She’s been for two weeks at her house and she’s been vaccines. Filarial test was negative. When Mina came she had her skin and ears very bad… full of fleas and bitten by many parasites in all her body. The veterinarian says she’s about 2 years old. She’s very loving, also with children and if you let her she’ll be on her foster house mum arms the whole day. We’re also looking for a home for Mina!
And this is MINA, founded by Yaiza, Loly´s sister. As many without chip. She’s been for two weeks at her house and she’s been vaccines. Filarial test was negative. When Mina came she had her skin and ears very bad… full of fleas and bitten by many parasites in all her body. The veterinarian says she’s about 2 years old. She’s very loving, also with children and if you let her she’ll be on her foster house mum arms the whole day. We’re also looking for a home for Mina!