Tenemos noticias de Diva!!!Ella salio porfin el domingo pasada para volar a su nueva casa en Alemania.Diva es una perrita que es muy buena pero tambien tenia mucho miedo. Yolanda y Domingo lo tenia en su casa hasta pudo irse. Pero todos nuestros temores ya han terminado. Diva se llama ahora Coockie, es segun su nueva familia un cielo y estan muy felices con ella!
Today we received the first pictures from Diva. She left us last sunday for a flight to Germany where her new family was already waiting a long time for her.Diva is a lovely sweet dog, but she very afraid of people, noises....She was fostered all this time by Yolanda and Domingo. But all our fear has gone now. Her new family is very happy with her and you can see on the pictures that she is feeling very well in her new home. Her new name is now Coockie and they write that she already listen to her new name.