Un dia con muchas visitas como siempre,lo revacunamos algunos perros, todos hemos dado el preventivo de filarias......visita de Barry y Gerard desde Holanda, ellos son los protectores de Holanda y los pilares de Maria Tempelman.Nos trajeron desde Las Palmas pienso para los perros,visita de Virginie con su amgia, ya hoy nos volvieron Irina y Jose, Yolanda con Domingo y un sin fin de gente!
A todos damos como siempre las gracias por su interes y ayuda!
Today a day with a lot of visitors,visitors from las Palmas with donations, Virginie with her friend, Barry and Gerard from Holland, they are the ones behind Maria in Holland and from her website. Some dogs had their revacination, all of them their preventive from filarias.Yolanda and Domingo came, Irina and José as well, just a lot of people.To all of them we are very thankfull for their donations and help.