El puqueño Flo fui hoy presentado por Yolanda.....lo estuvieron a punto de dejarlo en la perrera pero por su suerte estuve ahi en su momento Yolanda.Today we would like to present some new friends. Truco was living on the street, we castrated him already and he is now waiting to be operated to take away his right eye. We do not know what happened in his live, but surely not a pleasant one.
Un descanso antes de irnos A break before we go...
Y ya esta todo lo que sobro de la fiesta en cajas,esperando por la proxima.And all the drinks from the party that we did not use ready to be stored and waiting for the next party.
NALA es una perra de 8 años que se adopto cuando era un cachorro. Esta esterilizada y por razones de salud sus dueños con todo el dolor de su alma tiene que dejarla otravez a ANAHI. Ella es muy buena, se lleva bien con niños y los demas perros. NALA NECESITA URGENTEMENTE UNA CASA!!!!Nala was adopted when she only was a puppy.Due to health problems her owners can not take care of her anymore.She is very sweet, loves children and makes no problems with other dogs. SHE NEEDS URGENTLY A NEW HOME (Nala is now 8 years old and has been castrated)