Con tantas noticias ult. dias lo tenemos un poquito olvidado las dias de la guarderia. El sabado fui un dia con muchos voluntarios. Los perros se lo pasaron de maravilla con tantas atenciones....... y nosotros llegamos a casa cansadas pero con mucho alegria.
With so many news the last few days, we did not have much time for our kennel visitors days! Yesterday we received again a lot of volunteers and all the dogs were very happy with all their walkies , atencions etc. We were very tired when we finally wnet home but also very happy with all these volunters coming to visit us.
With so many news the last few days, we did not have much time for our kennel visitors days! Yesterday we received again a lot of volunteers and all the dogs were very happy with all their walkies , atencions etc. We were very tired when we finally wnet home but also very happy with all these volunters coming to visit us.
***los demas fotos (y son muchos) en el album de Abril!****
***the rest of the pictures (and there are many) are to be seen in the album of April!***