Aqui a las izq. tenemos a Katy, un cachorro de casi 3 meses. Ella fui encontrado por la calle, esta pdte de una peq. operacion en un de sus patas donde tiene una luxacion, que puede ser por una patada o golpe!
Sara was brought on tuesday and she had had puppies a little time ago. The people who found here have been walking for hours to see if they could find them. But you can see that she lost her children some days ago because here milk is like a stone so hard and wass already to be infected. She came in very sad but also due to the medication she is much better now and very nice and kind to everybody. Katy the small puppy was found on the street and brought to us while she also needs a little operation in one of her legs. She is not even 3 months old but only wants to play and sleep in the bed!!!!!!