Aqui presentamos a PEDRO.
Este pobre chico lo encontramos cerca de la guarderia, bebiendo agua al lado de la caretera.
Tiene un poco mala pulgas pero con una corea como lasso se dejo llevar.
Pulgas saltando alredor de el, pero por eso tenemos el chanel 5 de los perros: FRONTLINE!Pedro no es tan joven y en su mirada y dientes pensamos que tiene que tener por lo menos 10 años. Como siempre sin Chip y seguro dejado a su suerte por su anterior dueño.
Despues que Lorena paso el perfume, Stella corto sus uñas largisimas mientras David lo tenia bien sujetado!
This morning this small fellow was drinking water close to the dogshelter. We could get him and looked if he had a chip. Nothinh was been found.Only a lot of parasite and a couple of very long nails. While David wass holding him very firm, Stella could cut his nails and Lorena spoke softly to him to keep him calm. We think that he is about ten years old.
This morning this small fellow was drinking water close to the dogshelter. We could get him and looked if he had a chip. Nothinh was been found.Only a lot of parasite and a couple of very long nails. While David wass holding him very firm, Stella could cut his nails and Lorena spoke softly to him to keep him calm. We think that he is about ten years old.