Che was brought to the dogshelter yesterday. He was found some weeks ago by a member of ANAHI. After asking us if we could find a home for him we started to vacinate him. But last week the small boy found a hole in the garden and escaped again. He was brought by someone to the "perrera" of Santa Brigida. We decided it was better for him to come to the dogshelter and having less possibilty to escape with us.
Hoy tuvimos otravez de todo, sol, lluvia y visita. Carlos todavia esta en obras y esperemos que hoy lo pone todas las ventanas nuevas y puerta.
Tambien vino a visitarnos Roswitha , un kontakto tambien desde Alemania. Ella vuelve el sabado a su tierra.David bañando a un perro de Maria.Lorena dando mimos a Ché